Infographic: Should You Invest In Facebook?

Facebook (NASDAQ: FB), the popular social network, went public on May 18, 2012. (Unfortunately did Nasdaq get some technical problems on its first trading day.) The stock has had its ups and downs since then and is now at all time high levels. But is this stock a good investment today? I know relatively lot about the company but do not feel confident enough to own shares. I will not give advice on buying or selling today because I do not feel sufficiently well-read. According to me, there are better tech stocks to own right now. But there is growth potential in Facebook, their advertising revenues could continue to grow rapidly in the coming years. In addition, they own Instagram and WhatsApp, which has high values because of the large number of users. I will do a detailed analysis of Facebook in future posts. This infographic goes through investment opportunities in Facebook and facts and figures around some of the concerns investors may have, check it out below:


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